This photo of Titan, by my son Jim, has had well over 72,000 internet views world-wide. And this is what started the Titan craze. His link is here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/themightyjimbo/
I have had offers from European Sports teams to use his image. I had a Japanese television station want to come to my house and video Titan for a special they were doing on dogs. National Geographic's Dog Town contacted me and wanted some video and a write up on Titan for their show. A Canadian artist, created a one and only water color of Titan, which was auctioned off for a charity.
With all of this notoriety, Titan has maintained his composure, and is still a down-to-earth Mastiff. The hell with the bright lights of Broadway, or wherever fame would take him.
To be honest, I just didn't want to deal with the crap that comes along with it. I have to work for a living. For a little while longer anyway.
We just have fun around here with Titan. No lights, cameras, action for us. Oops, wrong on that. LOTS of lights, cameras, and plenty of action, as you can see.
But moving on, spring time is here. And I just love the smell of Yankee's baseball in the spring. It smells like........Victory.
Later folks.......
Found your blog while cleaning out my Flickr mail and revisiting a post of Titan sent to my sister. Went to see what was new and behold...A Blog! Timing was perfect!