Saturday, May 14, 2011
(This) Man's Best Friend
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Wrong house, wrong dog, wrong guy, right timing
Nothing like a little excitement in my life.....again.
As Donna and the kids were at a religion class at church (thank God), I went in the back yard to trim the bushes. I brought my little puppy with me (125lb Mastiff named Titan). As I was standing on top of my hot tub, trimming a tall bush, a pick up truck came slowly down our alley behind the houses. I didn't recognize the truck, so I paid attention. He slowed at my open garage. Then moved forward just out of the way. But he was directly in front of me, maybe 15 feet away. He didn't see me. I watched him get slowly out of his truck. He didn't shut the door, as to not make any noise. He looked up and down the alley, and toward all the houses. Then he walked to my driveway and into my garage. I jumped off the hot tub, and flew out the gate to the garage, with Titan at my side. This 6' 1", 170lb white male now had this 5' 8'' pissed off Italian, and his Mastiff in his face. I actually had to hold Titan back as to not maul the guy. We proceeded to "have words" and he called me "Dude". Wrong "F'n" word to call me. As every word my mother told me never to say came out of my mouth, at the top of my lungs, I told him to get his sorry ass on the ground, and hands behind him. Hell, I was holding hedge shears (30mm too). I scared the shit out of this guy. Hell, I scared me, I was so pissed off.
All the while this was happening, I memorized his truck, his plates, his height, approximate weight, clothes, all of it.
When I turned to grab my cell phone, he bolted into the truck and took off.
Police came shortly after, and said they identified the plates and the truck. They were very pleased with how I handled the whole situation, and the attention to detail I gave them. The Police are going to the DA on Monday to see if they can bring him up on attempted burglary. We'll at least get him for trespassing. Maybe even stupidity. Perhaps we should shoot him?
Just another day in the Parisi household.
How was your day?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A day to remember

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Ground me; and I don't mean Starbucks

As Yoda would say, "back on the subject of business travel, I am."
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Out of the blue.......and pinstripes

Monday, May 10, 2010
When enough, is enough

On my flight to Austin this afternoon, a young couple came on the plane with their two kids. They sat adjacent to me on my isle. One was a grade school age girl, and her slightly younger brother. The boy was not in the mood for a plane ride. He was given his mother a lot of grief, yelling, screaming, and making all of the passengers’ flying experience top notch.
Having raised 4 kids, and now 2 grandchildren, I figured I can handle a 35 minute flight from Dallas to Austin with a youngster’s temper tantrums. So, I settled in my seat, closed my eyes and tried to drown out the ear splitting yelps from seat 8b.
Then as quickly as it started, it stopped, cold. Quiet. Dead silence (almost). I was thrilled, relieved, and curious as to what served as the closure to the racket.
I looked next to me and saw this boy, sitting on his mother’s lap, breast feeding. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all for babies breast feeding; or male adults snuggling between a pair. But not a kid, who’s almost ready to shave. I swear this kid had a Wall Street Journal under his arm when he walked on to the plane. And I think I heard him ask the flight attendant if she had any Light Beer. And to make matter's worse, momma didn't look like Elin Nordegren, or Pamela Anderson. No, she look more like Rosanne Barr.
So I have listed some reference points as to when a woman might want to consider stopping breast feeding little Johnny:
1) If your kid asks you how his 529b college fund is coming along, you should probably ween him
2) If his braces start to hurt you, it might be a good time to offer him a bottle
3) When you pull your out your boob and his eyes get large, and his diaper gets larger, you might want to bag that boobie
4) If he asks you to get an implant because he likes them a little larger, he’s done
5) If he lights up a cigarette after your breast feeding, cut him off
6) And finally, if he asks if he and his friend can tag-team, enough is enough
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Bouquet for today

Titan wishes all the mother's out there a "Happy Mother's Day."