As Yoda would say, "back on the subject of business travel, I am."
Between cancelled flights, cattle-car seating, no snacks (under $8), moody flight attendants, boob-feeding mommas, and just plain idiotic travelers, I've about thrown in the proverbial flying towel. Since I've been into distance running lately, maybe I could just start running to my customer meetings. I could see me trotting into some company headquarters, sweating like a sheik in his new harem, and wringing all these geeky hands. Nah. Maybe not a good idea. They might enjoy it.
But basically flying has gotten old. Not just my 35 years of business travel, but the airlines and planes themselves.
So I've come up with a list as to when you know your airline flight is old.
- You see written on the plane an autograph by "Orville & Wilbur Wright"
- In your magazine rack you read a Life Magazine with an advertisement to buy American War Bonds
- The wood floor boards are starting to rot
- Your American Airlines plane has etchings on the walls of Pilgrims........and American Indians
- You find a hand written receipt near the cockpit door for jet fuel costing 12 cents per gallon
- There is no alcohol on the flight..........due to Prohibition.
- The pilot boards the plane wearing a leather helmet and goggles
- Your inflight snack is a Cracker Jack box, with an original Babe Ruth baseball card inside
And finally; you know your flight is old when;
- The flight attendant is young..........feminine..........and a female.
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