As many of us enjoy this Memorial Day with family, friends, cookouts, and good times, let's not forget what this day is really about. It is a day of remembrance. A day of honoring those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Many families are missing their loved ones who provided this very freedom we are currently enjoying.
It is also a day to pay tribute to our surviving veterans, and our military members currently enlisted. Most of them would rather be home with their loved ones too. But they have chosen to protect our way of life by serving their country right now.
So, dig into that hamburger. Chomp on that corn on the cob. Pop open another beer. But take a moment to remember those Americans who are no longer with us, those who carry the scars of war, and those serving abroad.
I know this military family remembers.
Semper Fi, son.
Remember all who have given their lives, all who are serving to keep us safe, remember them today, and everyday. God Bless/Irish_heartbeat